Two-Camera UFO Analysis Article
Here's a Decisive and Convincing Way to Prove Some Extraordinary Claims #UFO #Photo #Analysis
Venus or Visitors? The UFO That Had Cops and Jets in Hot Pursuit
The world has changed a lot since the 1950s and 1960s. Information, and disinformation, spreads much, much quicker and more easily today. Of course this is mostly due to the Internet. Let me tell you a story from 1966 that will make your head swim. Today, this story would in no way be able to have the same explanation or ending.
UFO/UAP Disclosure - Be Prepared
You might have seen several of the tic-tac videos and heard the commentary on the UAP encounters by Navy personnel. This article will not inundate you with more of those. They are all part of an obvious campaign to DISCLOSE to the public on the subject, with multiple authority figures from our military and industrial complex showing up repeatedly and thoroughly on TV and the internet over the past few months.
World's First UFO Photo - Debunked!
Mt. Washington's First UFO Photo was stereogram. Here's what that can tell us.
#MathWins #Debunked #UFO #UFOHistory
How Many Habitable-Zone Planets are Out There?
Its a Bigger Number Than You Think! Earth is unique in the cosmos, just like every person on this planet is unique. But there are many, many more habitable zone, or Goldilocks planets just like our planet, in that they too could support life as we know it. The evidence is overwhelming.
The Night the Sky Danced: A Multi-Witness UFO Event in the Rocky Mountains.
The scene was surreal. As a recently certified MUFON-trained Field Investigator I experienced a shiver down my back, struggling to come to grips with the sight. I was instantly mesmerized, and more or less just sat there staring, and wondering if a full scale invasion of the planet was starting. Perhaps it was all over the news, but we were isolated without phones or any other immediate connection to the outside world. Those were the thoughts going through my head as I watched the dozens of stars slowly dancing across the dark night sky.
Witnesses You Havent Heard About: Kenneth Arnolds UFO Encounter
Multiple witnesses, a clear day, and corroborating sightings: Why the events of that June 24, 1947 demand a closer look!
What AI Reveals About Flying Saucers Will Stun You!
My last article presented half a dozen corroborating witnesses to the famous Kenneth Arnold flying saucers event. I had no idea anyone else saw anything that would support his story until I started digging into it. Asking the AI engine ChatGPT was the best thing I did for a huge head start into my investigation. Thats just one way that AI has helped me get some answers when researching UFO events, but there are a few others. This article highlights some of them.
The Bemidji Mystery Object
Even NASA investigators are at a loss figuring out what flew over Minnesota recently. The clues just don't add up! #UAP #UFO ?
UFOs and Angular Size-UFO Investigation Tips
Most people are extremely inaccurate when trying to estimate angular size, especially when they are describing strange and elusive objects like nothing they have ever seen before. Yes, I am talking about UFOs, or UAPs as some want us to call them.
A short Python program, and careful questioning of a witness, can help make this important metric somewhat more accurate.
Earth Distance - UFO Investigation Tips
Here's a short Python function that makes it easy to calculate the shortest distance between any two points on the planet.
UFO Investigation: Degrees, minutes and seconds
Latitude and longitude coordinates are most often expressed in either decimal degrees, such as on the map in the photo or in degrees, minutes, and seconds.
Another Oak Island
There's an island but it is not the one you are thinking of. Anyone want to go treasure hunting? Lets us think outside the box a bit and explore another wild theory as to where this world-class treasure might have gone.
What is up with the colors in the Mars Photographs?
At least some of what NASA has shown us is bogus. Photos don't lie - but they can be misleading
Project Blue Book - 1947 Unexplained Cases
Project Blue Book started in 1947 under the name of Project Sign, there were 12 cases still-unexplained on the books in 1947 and some of them would have changed the world if they had seen the light of day then. Here they are now, and with the perspective of many years, they stand to up-end the UFO community. Take a look!
Project Blue Book's Unexplained Cases classified by State they occurred in
To read the article, click the link. To see the state maps - visit Project Blue Book State List
Project Blue Book - Texas' Unidentified Sightings
In the 701 still-unexplained sightings, 48 were in Texas - there were a set of fascinating sightings. Check it out!
Swamp Gas Revisited
The full story makes this explanation even more bizarre and unbelievable! On the nights of March 20 and 21, 1966, a famous UFO event took place in Dexter, Michigan that you've probably heard at least a little about. Yes, this is the famous Project Blue Book SWAMP GAS case. This is the REAL story!
Lewis and Clark and the Extraterrestrials
Yes, Lewis and Clark really did take a side trip to investigate some possible ETs.
Cure for Global Warming?
What if using LaGrange points in space was the tool that could help with global warming?
How to Get a Good #UFO Sighting
The "do's" and do not's for a good UFO event
First learn the stars and constellations.
Take good #photos!
UFO Hotspot? The San Luis Valley should be at the top of everyone's list!
An investigative opportunity on par with #SkinwalkerRanch!
But there's one area in Colorado that is extremely ripe for further in-depth investigations, as there's a ton of high strangeness in years of accumulating stories and events. Conveniently located near the center of all of this valley's events is the UFO Watchtower, near Hooper, Colorado, but there's more to the story than just the Watchtower.
Nazca Mummies Disinformation Ploy
Take a look at the whole story before making the assumptions someone wants you to make.
Yes, Maria has been studied by multiple scientific experts! Courtesy #Gaia streaming platform.
How Long is the Average UFO Sighting?
How can anyone answer this question, no one could possibly calculate this answer unless they had a solid dataset of information to work with. Well, #ProjectBlueBook is a solid set of sightings. We plotted and calculated the answer to many #UFOQuestions using this data - not the least of which is "How long is the average UFO sighting?" Here's the answer! #UFO #UAP #Disclosure #UFOSighting
Photo of Uranus Taken with Off-the-shelf cell phone camera!
While studying the various photographs against the Stellarium display, I noticed that Uranus was marked in a position that should be in one of the photos. Sure enough, when I zoomed in on that part of the photo, the dim white dot of Uranus was there! Uranus is normally nearly impossible to see with the naked eye, or to photograph with off-the-shelf cameras without special lenses and filters, so I was totally impressed and blown away with this discovery.
Colorado's Hottest UFO/UAP Hot Spot
An investigative opportunity on par with Skinwalker Ranch! Over 300 documented sightings on site - with photos, etc. Check out the article or the book at:!
There Really is a Dark Side of theMoon
The Dark side of the Moon has been a phrase used throughout the ages. Astronomers, scientists, and other smart people tend to roll their eyes when they hear this, and often you will hear an explanation as to why there is NOT really a dark side. Even though the Moon is tidally locked, it orbits the Earth once a month, causing the Sun to shine on all its parts. A day on the Moon lasts about a month, and the Sun shines brightly half that time for anyone up there, no matter which side of the Moon they are located on.